
在美國,學校沒有提供英語為第二母語的學生特別的語言幫助的話,(例如師資,資源,英語班,雙語班等等,不用全部但至少要有) 是違反聯邦法律的,
從那時候起, 除非父母拒絕, 否則學校沒有提供孩子英語學習的幫助是違法的

最近, 亞利桑那州政府被告了, 因為州內15萬個英語學習孩子沒有得到充足的英語學習環境

一, 亞利桑那州政府有那麼多錢嗎?就是沒錢才提供不了資源阿..
二, 那些罰款都給誰去啦? 到了州教育部以後, 真的最後學生會被那些錢幫助到嗎?
三, 要是分一小部分來我們高等教育就好了, 也是同領域, 為了要培育師資和做研究, 也需要錢的耶~~
鼓勵那些培養出來的老師會去亞利桑那教書, 然後來個有貢獻有拿錢, 大家就不用找錢找的苦哈哈了

Education Week
March 3, 2006

Stalemate Is Broken on Paying for Education of Arizona’s English-Language Learners By Mary Ann Zehr Gov. Janet Napolitano has decided to let a bill approved by the Arizona legislature spelling out how to pay for the education of English-language learners become law without her signature. Her decision breaks a stalemate between her and state lawmakers that has already cost the state $21 million in court-imposed fines, but puts the issue back in the hands of a federal judge. “After nine months of meetings and three vetoes, it is time to take this matter to a federal judge,” the governor wrote in a March 3 letter to the legislature, explaining her decision. She said she had asked the state attorney general to seek an expedited decision by the U.S. District Court on the “legal sufficiency” of the measure. In a December ruling, the federal court gave the state until Jan. 24 to find a way to adequately fund programs for the state’s 150,000 English-language learners, or be fined $500,000 a day for 30 days. The daily fine would increase to a maximum of $2 million if the state continued to fail to meet the deadlines. Gov. Napolitano, a Democrat, noted in her letter that the state had accrued $21 million in fines by March 3, or about $140 per English-language learner. While she decided to let the bill become law, she wrote, “I do not believe this bill meets either the court’s multiple orders or our existing consent decree.”

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